
Tree nursery
The S.E.E.K. Tree Nursery has a large variety of trees and plants for different uses including medicinal, fruit, fodder, building, firewood, shade, and ornamental. We focus on keeping stocks of indigenous trees which are difficult to find. We have well trained staff who take great care in ensuring seedlings are of good quality. They are ready to give you instructions in the best methods of planting and caring for your trees for optimal growth and productivity. Prices are kept low by using local resources.

Children/Youth ministry
Our children and youth department works with the local schools and fishing villages to provide teaching, fun, and games for the local youth. We teach biblical foundations along with sustainable education. We play games, music, and provide a snack when possible. We want them to know above all else, they are loved.

school tree planting
S.E.E.K. is able to partner with the local schools to sell tree seedlings at a very low price. Once the seedlings have been purchased, the students dig holes and prepare for the seedlings. The planting day is fun, and allows the students to learn about deforestation, the importance of replanting, and allows hands on learning. This is a great opportunity for mission trips and outreach teams.

widows project
SEEK works with local widows in the community of Mbita to educate them in a 3 month lecture phase. After the lecture phase, the team of widows goes to each home and helps to dig holes, plant fruit trees, plant vegetables, and more. This provides food, income, and is sustainable for the widows and the children she cares for. These are lasting relationships that continue throughout the years.
Government Partnerships
SEEK understands the importance of partnerships and unity as a community and nation.
We have listed below the current partnerships SEEK has with different agencies.
- National Environment Management Authority. (NEMA)
- Kenya Forestry Service (KFS)
- Kenya Wildlife Service(KWS)
- Department Of Public Health
- Ministry Of Agriculture
- Kenya Fisheries Service
- Water Resource Management Authority
- Beach Management Units
- County Government